Mission & Priorities

Dora Badollet Library & Learning Commons Departmental Planning 2018 - 2023

The Dora Badollet Library at Clatsop Community College serves the students, staff, and faculty of the campus, and offers services to the greater community. The library houses approximately 35,000 items and a robust set of online resources. The Learning Commons provides a space where technology, instructional assistance, and study spaces intersect. This plan was created with the mission, vision, values and core themes of the College in mind, and in response to the strategic initiatives identified in the Clatsop Community College: Charting Our Course Strategic Planning Focus Areas, 2018-2023 document.i

Library Mission

Clatsop Community College’s mission statement is Enriching Lives, Inspiring Learning, Creating Opportunities; the vision statement is ‘As a leader in education, CCC will partner with the community in creating gateways for transformation.’ The Library’s mission is to support the college by providing resources, services, and instruction to support the teaching, learning, and inspiration of students, staff, faculty, and the greater community.

Library & Learning Commons Strategic Planning

In responding to the College’s strategic planning process, the Library Director, in consultation with the faculty Library Advisory Group (LAG), has identified four overarching goals that advance the College’s Vision, Mission, and Core Themes.


    • Collections and learning resources are monitored, updated and improved
    • Facilities and equipment are updated to meet current needs of patrons
    • Programming, and instruction support college mission, values, core themes and strategic initiatives
    • Collaborative initiatives promote education, culture, environment and social justice

Specific activities within each larger goal, each with intended outcomes and indicators of achievement, advance that goal and corelate to Clatsop Community College’s Core Themes and Strategic Goals while linking to Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) accreditation standards.

The Dora Badollet Library recognizes the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights and the Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education as formative contextual documents upon which our service and instructional endeavors are informed.

Collections and learning resources are monitored, updated and improved

Activity Intended Outcome(s) Indicator(s) Supports Core Theme(s) Supports College Strategic Goal(s) Supports Accrediation Standard(s)
Further develop collections to improve quality and currency. Improve collection access, especially to electronic content. Improve access to historic documents and coverage of history.
Highlight diversity and social justice, update collections. Improve access to more applicable content. Support research and instructional endeavors for history classes and for the needs of local researchers.ii
At least one third of newly purchased collection materials cover diversity, equity or social justice issues. Outdated materials removed and replaced or augmented with contemporary content.Upgraded to unlimited user account for CINAHL, restored access to JSTOR, added new ebook databases, added American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection, add print titles on regional,indigenous history.
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

2. Cultivate Connections with the Community,

3. Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness.
2.E.1., 2.E.4.
Update web-based learning guides, create new web-based learning guides.
Support research and instructional endeavors for Nursing, Writing,Science and Art and citizenship, especially in support of Information Literacy.
Guide use, especially in class settings. Feedback from faculty and general feedback on new guides.
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

3. Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness.
2.C.6., 2.E.3., 2.E.4., 2.G.6.
Evaluate and update electronic databases.
Optimize spending on electronic resources to maximize access to appropriate research material.
Database use, especially in class settings.
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

4. Advance Institutional Accountability.
2.C.6., 2.E.3., 2.E.4.
Expand access to tutoring resources.
Align instructional assistant coverage with class hours on main campus.
Expanded hours, more tutoring sessions.iii
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

3.Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness,

4. Advance Institutional Accountability.
2.E.2., 2.E.4.

Facilities and equipment are updated to meet current needs of patrons

Activity Intended Outcome(s) Indicator(s) Supports Core Theme(s) Supports College Strategic Goal(s) Supports Accrediation Standard(s)
Expand open hours during the school year.
Provide Library & Learning Commons access that overlaps with more student class hours.
Expanded hours.Once open extra hours: library and tutor use (sessions, door count, circulation, database use, etc.)
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

2. Cultivate Connections with the Community,

3.Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness,

4. Advance Institutional Accountability.
2.E.2., 2.E.4.
Improve accessibility to collection materials.
Remove obstacles to people in wheelchairs.
Comply with ADA, make collections and facilities accessible.iv
Core Theme1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

2. Cultivate Connections with the Community,

3. Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness,

4. Advance Institutional Accountability.
2.E.2., 2.E.4.
Create a replacement plan for library laptops.
Ensure a complete stock of functional laptops for students.
Successful 3-year cycle of replacement.v
Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students.
2.E.2., 2.E.4., 2.G.5.
Improve wireless network access.
Improve access to the internet for library patrons.
Additional network options, better access.vi
Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

2. Cultivate Connections with the Community.
2.E.4., 2.G.5.
Ensure access to collection materials in all collected formats.
Ensure that every media type is supported.
Access to disc players, VHS player, computers.vii
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

2. Cultivate Connections with the Community,

4. Advance Institutional Accountability.
Create inviting, unique collection spaces.
Refine overall facility.
Improved furnishings, replacement of worn furniture, graphic novel room.
Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

2. Cultivate Connections with the Community.

Programming, and instruction support college mission, values, core themes and strategic initiatives

Activity Intended Outcome(s) Indicator(s) Supports Core Theme(s) Supports College Strategic Goal(s) Supports Accrediation Standard(s)
Participation on Arts & Ideas committee.
Increase awareness of campus cultural offerings, improve marketing of library events,provide input to campus events.
Library collections support campus events, library events are better publicized, campus events promote library services.
Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
2. Cultivate Connections with the Community,

3. Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness.
2.E.1., 2.E.2., 2.E.3.
Library summer film series. Stories Series in the Library & Learning Commons. Art Books celebration. Campus film screenings. Information Literacy Award ceremony.
Promote library collections and space during traditional 'down'time on campus. Improve public awareness of library and resources. Facilitate cultural programming, promote academic discourse, connect with community of interested citizens. Recognize student achievements.viii
Attendance at screenings, use of Films on Demand database and traditional holdings. Attendance at events.
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students.
Information Literacy instruction, Information Literacy Award and LIB127 class.
Integrate information literacy in college classes, especially focusing on WR121 and LIB127. Students gain valuable introduction to library resources and are able to understand and use library tools.
Course activities that reflect the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy and related guidelines.Participation in award process. Student success in LIB 127 class.
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students.
2.C.6., 2.E.3.

Collaborative initiatives promote education, culture, environment and social justice

Activity Intended Outcome(s) Indicator(s) Supports Core Theme(s) Supports College Strategic Goal(s) Supports Accrediation Standard(s)
Promote Open Educational Resources (OERs). Create affordable textbook listing guidelines and list affordable textbooks in print catalog and online.
OER faculty workshops, OER student workshops. Provide guiding document that defines affordability and answers common faculty questions. Comply with State law. Improve student awareness of textbook costs.
Number of workshops held,number of OER reviews submitted, number of EORs created, Classes or students attending, feedback on session. Participation in and reporting to Statewide OER Steering Committee.ix
Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

3. Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness,

4. Advance Institutional Accountability.
2.A.13., 2.E.1., 2.E.2., 2.A.24.
Participation on Instructional Council.
Integrate library collections, programs and instructional activities with college curriculum.
Participation and attendance on Instructional Council.
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

4. Advance Institutional Accountability.
2.A.13., 2.C.6., 2.E.1., 2.E.2., 2.E.3.
Eco-Education Group, A Forest Vision.
Further awareness of ecological concerns to college community, including students, faculty and the community at large.
Events held, attendance at events.x
Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
2. Cultivate Connections with the Community,

3.Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness.
2.E.1., 2.E.4.
Clatsop Heritage Archive Project participation.
Improve access to historic collections in the region. Provide learning opportunities for students in the form of work-study positions that digitize content.
Collection materials made accessible, and number of student work study hours created.
Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
2. Cultivate Connections with the Community.
2.E.1., 2.E.2.
Library Advisory Group.
Provide mechanism for formal faculty input into Library & Learning Commons planning and evaluation, including collections, facilities, instruction, tutoring, and equipment.
Meetings held, strategic documents vetted and issued, plans enacted.
Core Theme 1: Foundational Skills,

Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success,

Core Theme 3: Community and Personal Enrichment.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students,

2. Cultivate Connections with the Community,

3. Commit to Equity and Inclusiveness,

4. Advance Institutional Accountability.
2.A.13., 2.C.6., 2.E.1., 2.E.2., 2.E.3., 2.E.4.
Strategic Initiative committees.
Participate on college Strategic Initiative committees to guide college planning efforts.
Staff members participating on Strategic Initiative committees, outcomes of those committees.
Core Theme 2: Academic and Student Success.
1. Strengthen the Academic Environment for Students.
2.A.13., 2.E.2.


i Dora Badollet Library & Learning Commons Departmental Planning 2018 – 2023 approved by the Library Advisory Group on June 12, 2019.

ii JSTOR and AASHPC added in 2017-18, CINAHL and Ebsco eBook collections added in 2018-19. Bibliography of print titles purchased in the 2018-19 period to cover issues of diversity, equity or social justice available upon request.

iii Expanded hours for Library & Learning Commons started winter 2019.

iv Shelving and other impediments moved June 2018.

v One third of the laptops for student use have been replaced every year starting in 2017-18.

vi New hidden wifi network added in fall 2018. Two iMacs were also added to the Learning Commons.

vii VHS player added to media station in fall 2018.

viii These activities also raise awareness of collections, facilitate cultural programming, promote academic discourse, connect with community of interested citizens. They bring the academic tradition of orality and storytelling to the library, promote library collections, and bring students to the library.

ix Guideline created and adopted by Instructional Council February 2018. Affordable textbooks listed in print catalog and to be listed via online registration vehicle following launch of new campus ERP.

x Forest Visions events from 2018 to 2019 included two roundtable discussions, a Library & Learning Commons Forest Stories reading by faculty, four public lectures on forest ecology issues, an art exhibit and visit from Kim Stafford, Poet Laureate of Oregon.