Electronic resources licensed by the Clatsop Community College Library are for non-commercial use by faculty, staff, students and on-site users. These resources are for educational or research purposes only. The terms and conditions of the agreements with the vendors and publishers of these electronic resources regulate their use. These conditions include, but are not limited to, restrictions on copying, republishing, altering, redistributing and reselling the information contained therein. For detailed terms and conditions governing the use of a particular electronic resource, please contact the library to access the appropriate agreement governing that resource.
The purpose of the Collection Development Policy is to guide the selection and maintenance of library materials to support the library in fulfilling its mission.
College and Library Mission
Clatsop Community College’s mission is to continually build an educational community that provides open access to quality learning opportunities that prepare the people of our region for productive participation in civic, cultural, social, and economic life.
The Library’s mission supports the college’s mission by providing the resources, services, and instruction to support the teaching and learning of students, staff, faculty, and the greater community.
Intellectual Freedom
The CCC library subscribes to the principles of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights statement, their Code of Ethics, and their Freedom to Read Statement.
Materials will be added to the collection when judged necessary for the curriculum. No materials will be censored, and a balance of opinion on controversial issues will be maintained.
Scope of the collection
As a community college library, our collections focus on material suitable for lower-division undergraduate students as well as resources for students in technical, vocational, or professional programs. General factors to be taken into account are:
The first priority will be to provide students and faculty materials that support the college’s credit courses and instructional programs. Materials supporting specific courses will take precedence, and materials supporting standard academic subjects in a broader way will have secondary priority.
Textbooks adopted for class use will not typically be purchased for the collection, as the library’s collections are not designed to supply students with required material for specific classes. Instructors wishing to reserve textbooks are responsible for obtaining them. The library will not routinely purchase consumable materials such as workbooks or tests.
For those members of the college community whose scholarly or research needs are beyond the scope of the library collection, the library staff will help to identify, locate and borrow such materials through interlibrary loan.
A collection of popular reading materials and videos will be held to promote pleasure reading and library usage. Funds supporting this collection will be primarily raised by the Friends of the Library group.
The library will not purchase materials in obsolete or near-obsolete formats.
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
In keeping with the Clatsop Community College’s strategic initiative to Advance Equity and Inclusiveness, at least one-third of newly purchased collection materials cover diversity, equity, or social justice issues.
Selection Tools
The CCC library uses various selection tools, including reputable reviewing media, professional library literature, faculty recommendation, and bibliographic resources from institutions with similar instructional programs.
Criteria used for the selection of materials:
Request for Purchase
In addition to the selection tools, the library supports a patron-driven model for collection development. All requests by students and faculty alike are seriously considered.
Donated Materials
The library welcomes gifts of materials that are consistent with the collection development policy and provided there are no restrictions attached as to their disposition.
Because all items added to the collection generate processing and storage costs, materials received as gifts will be evaluated by the same criteria as materials purchased. Gifts are accepted with the understanding that materials not added to the collection will be disposed of in ways most advantageous to the library. All donations must be approved.
Collection Maintenance
In order to maintain a viable and up-to-date collection, the library will periodically evaluate sections of the collection and identify items to withdraw. Items may be withdrawn because of condition, lack of use, or because they contain outdated or incorrect information. Items may be replaced, either by a new copy or edition of the same work or by another more recent work that is similar. Replacement will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
CCC Library supports compliance with copyright law for the protection of the institution and of employees as both creators and users of copyright protected works.
The College requires CCC faculty, staff and students to observe federal law regarding the use of copyright protected materials.
CCC Library supports compliance with copyright law for the protection of the institution and of employees as both creators and users of copyright protected works. The College requires CCC faculty, staff and students to observe federal law regarding the use of copyright protected materials.
The grant of copyright bestows several rights upon the creator of a work (or the individual having a legal interest in the work) that permit the copyright holder to control the use of the protected material.
These rights are known as “exclusive rights.” This means that an individual or institution cannot intrude on those rights unless their use falls into one of the prescribed exceptions, or unless they receive permission from the copyright holder. The exclusive rights bestowed to the copyright holder are as follows.
The unauthorized use of one of the exclusive rights of the copyright owner constitutes infringement.
Copyright Permission Exemptions
Permission must be obtained from the copyright owner to copy, distribute, display or perform a copyrighted work unless its usage falls in one of the following exemptions.
Fair Use
To ensure a balance of the rights of copyright owners and the public interest, the law allows you to use copyrighted works without permission – regardless of medium – when evaluation of the circumstances suggests the use is fair.
This “fair use” provision of copyright law does not provide hard and fast rules to tell you whether a use qualifies as fair. Instead, the unique facts regarding a use lead you to a reasoned conclusion.
There are four fair use factors that need to be considered in any fair use assessment. Examining the four fair use factors in some detail is helpful in assessing whether a particular use would be considered fair use by a court.
Fair Use Factors
“To negate fair use,” the Supreme Court has said that one need only to show that if the challenged use “should become widespread, it would adversely affect the potential market for the copyrighted work.”
Consider each of these factors, but all of them do not have to be favorable to make your use a fair one. When the factors in the aggregate weigh toward fairness, your use is better justified. When the factors tip the scales in the other direction, your need to obtain permission from the copyright holder increases.
Face-To-Face Teaching Exemption
The Copyright Act permits the performance or display of copyrighted materials during face-to-face teaching activities without getting the author’s permission. This exemption does not permit copying or distributing a work, only displaying or performing it within the confines of the face-to-face teaching environment.
The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act amended the copyright law to extend the face-to-face teaching exemption to online provided that the following conditions are met.
These benefits are available to educators who comply with the many and diverse requirements of the copyright law.
Licensing and Linking
In many cases, you can eliminate the need for permission or fee by providing a link to the work online instead of making copies of it. In some instances the library may have paid for a subscription license that entitles you and your students’ online access. If the library has not purchased access, the work may be available in an open archive, the author’s homepage or an open access journal. Providing a link to a legitimate website does not infringe on copyright.
Obtaining Permission to Use Copyrighted Materials
When permission is required for use of copyrighted materials, it is necessary to seek permission from the copyright holder. The American Association of Publishers suggests that the following information be included in a permission request to expedite the procedure.
The request should be sent, together with a self-addressed stamped envelope, to the permissions department of the publisher, or where appropriate the copyright holder.
The process of granting permission requires time for the publisher to check the status of the copyright and evaluate the nature of the request. It is advisable to allow enough lead-time to obtain permission before the materials are needed. In some instances, the publishers may assess a fee for the permission.
Public Domain
Works in the public domain are not protected by copyright and can be used freely. Examples of works in the public domain include:
Clatsop Community College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. ADA accessible. For the complete Non-Discrimination and Accommodations statements, please visit https://www.clatsopcc.edu/ada. Clatsop Community College es una institución de igualdad de oportunidades y de discriminación positiva. Para las declaraciones completas de No-discriminacion y de Ayuda a las personas discapacitadas, por favor visite https://www.clatsopcc.edu/ada.
TIP: When using the Online Class Schedule, use the “Select Term” dropdown to view offered classes by term.