Fall 2024 Registration


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

DEI Council Mission Statement

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Clatsop Community College

The DEI Council at Clatsop Community College leads and advises efforts to cultivate a culture that examines and disrupts the negative impacts of power, privilege, and oppression while deliberately promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion to foster an environment of belonging for all students.

DEI Event Calendar

There is no Event

What is DEI?


Diversity, in this context, refers to all aspects of human difference, social identities, and social group differences, including by not limited to race, ethnicity, culture, class, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, ability, religion, political affiliation, socio-economic status, language, age, and disability. The DEI Council endorses intentional efforts and conscious practices to appreciate difference, prevent discrimination and aim for representation at all levels of organizational leadership and decision-making.



Fair and just practices and policies that ensure all campus community members can thrive successfully in the academic environment. This includes equitable access to resources, networks, education & opportunities that support each individual to achieve their academic and/or career goals. We seek to dismantle systems of oppression by acknowledging and examining structural inequalities–historic and current–that advantage some and disadvantage others.



Inclusion is active, intentional and results in all members feeling respected and able to participate and achieve their potential. At Clatsop Community College, we achieve excellence through diversity, equity and Inclusion.


Evolving Areas of Focus

Equity Lens

The DEI Council equates our commitment to “shared governance” as achievable through adherence to the HECC’s Equity Lens.

North Coast Inclusion Seminar

Land Acknowledgement

We are on Native Land. Clatsop Community College respectfully acknowledges that our campus rests on the traditional lands of the Chinook Indian nation who have cared for these lands and waters since time immemorial, and continue to do so today. The DEI Council is continually examining this relationship, seeking to move past performative statements like this one and into actions that support all of our Native populations on campus and beyond.

Contact Us

DEI Council: dei@clatsopcc.edu

Fall 2024
Class Registration

TIP: When using the Online Class Schedule, use the “Select Term” dropdown to view offered classes by term.