Simultaneous Enrollment is a great opportunity for high school students to attend classes at Clatsop Community College. Students simultaneously earn credit toward high school graduation requirements and college credits from a regionally accredited community college.
College classes taken as a high school student may or may not count toward your college degree. Oregon University System institutions will accept college credits earned that are 100-level and above. Some private colleges and universities may not accept college credit that you earned while still in high school.
Simultaneous Enrollment is an outstanding opportunity for a student to get a head start on their college plans. Most high school students excel at Clatsop, but it is not for everyone. College classes offer more flexibility and independence than high school classes. Simultaneous Enrollment students are held to the same standards as any other college student. This may present some challenges for those students who are not ready for the self discipline that college requires.
In most cases, yes. Simultaneous Enrollment students usually take one or two classes at Clatsop and continue attending high school for their other classes. Clatsop classes can be taken during regular high school hours or in the evenings, depending on your high school schedule.
Students are responsible for the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, and for their own transportation to and from Clatsop. Some high schools pay for these expenses through the Expanded Options Program.
In 2005, the Oregon State Legislature enacted Senate Bill 300, also known as Expanded Options. The purpose of Expanded Options is to help students in 11th and 12th grade access additional courses, continue or complete their education, earn concurrent high school and college credit, and gain early entry into post-secondary education. Courses must not be considered duplications of the offerings available at your high school. For a copy of the 2011 Oregon Revised Statues related to SB300 click here. Speak with your high school counselor or principal to see if you are eligible!
The ACCUPLACER is a placement tool used to determine your skill level. It is not a pass/fail exam. There are three sections to the test: writing, reading, and math. The placement test scores give course recommendations to assist students in determining the appropriate level of classes to register for. Some courses do require student meet benchmark scores on the ACCUPLACER in order to register. Speak with your high school counselor to sign up for the ACCUPLACER test at your high school.
The process begins at your high school. Contact your guidance counselor and follow the Steps to Enrollment.
Clatsop Community College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. ADA accessible. For the complete Non-Discrimination and Accommodations statements, please visit Clatsop Community College es una institución de igualdad de oportunidades y de discriminación positiva. Para las declaraciones completas de No-discriminacion y de Ayuda a las personas discapacitadas, por favor visite
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