Fall 2024 Registration


High School Student




Simultaneous Enrollment

Oregon High School Students Take College Classes at CCC

Simultaneous Enrollment is a great opportunity for high school students to attend classes at Clatsop Community College. Students simultaneously earn credit toward high school graduation requirements and college credits from a regionally accredited community college.

College classes taken as a high school student may or may not count toward your college degree. Oregon University System institutions will accept college credits earned that are 100-level and above. Some private colleges and universities may not accept college credit that you earned while still in high school.

Is Simultaneous Enrollment a Good Program for You?

Simultaneous Enrollment is an outstanding opportunity for a student to get a head start on their college plans. Most high school students excel at Clatsop, but it is not for everyone. College classes offer more flexibility and independence than high school classes. Simultaneous Enrollment students are held to the same standards as any other college student. This may present some challenges for those students who are not ready for the self discipline that college requires.

Do You Still Attend High School?

In most cases, yes. Simultaneous Enrollment students usually take one or two classes at Clatsop and continue attending high school for their other classes. Clatsop classes can be taken during regular high school hours or in the evenings, depending on your high school schedule.

How Much Does Simultaneous Enrollment Cost?

Students are responsible for the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, and for their own transportation to and from Clatsop. Some high schools pay for these expenses through the Expanded Options Program.

What is Expanded Options? Will the High School Pay for Classes if I'm Eligible?

In 2005, the Oregon State Legislature enacted Senate Bill 300, also known as Expanded Options.  The purpose of Expanded Options is to help students in 11th and 12th grade access additional courses, continue or complete their education, earn concurrent high school and college credit, and gain early entry into post-secondary education. Courses must not be considered duplications of the offerings available at your high school.  For a copy of the 2011 Oregon Revised Statues related to SB300 click here. Speak with your high school counselor or principal to see if you are eligible!

What is the ACCUPLACER Test?

The ACCUPLACER is a placement tool used to determine your skill level. It is not a pass/fail exam. There are three sections to the test: writing, reading, and math. The placement test scores give course recommendations to assist students in determining the appropriate level of classes to register for. Some courses do require student meet benchmark scores on the ACCUPLACER in order to register. Speak with your high school counselor to sign up for the ACCUPLACER test at your high school.

How Do I Get Started?

The process begins at your high school. Contact your guidance counselor and follow the Steps to Enrollment.

Steps to Enrollment

  1. Talk to your parents and high school counselor about your interest in taking courses at the college.
  2. Ask if your high school participates in the Expanded Options Program.  Participating high schools may be able to pay for some of your expenses through this program.
  3. Complete the Simultaneous Enrollment Permission Form with parent/s and high school counselor or principal.
  4. Complete the ACCUPLACER at your high school or Clatsop Community College.
  5. Meet with your high school counselor to identify appropriate classes & learn about the registration process.
  6. If applicable, make payment arrangement before the end of the first week of class to avoid a late fee.

Points to Ponder...

  • You must provide your own transportation. If getting to and from Clatsop Community College in a timely manner will be a problem, Simultaneous Enrollment is not a viable option for you.
  • Class participation is an integral part of college. Most instructors require students to participate in discussions.
  • The students in your classes will range in age from 16 – 86, so you should expect a variety of opinions and adult discussion topics.
  • You must meet deadlines. Even though you may be academically ready, the independence and speed of college classes can be overwhelming for some students.
  • Grades earned at Clatsop Community College become part of your permanent college transcript.
  • College classes typically demand at least two hours of homework outside of class for each hour in class.
  • The College faculty may or may not take attendance. It is your responsibility to be prepared for class and to meet all deadlines.
  • Some of the art classes at Clatsop use undraped models as a part of the learning experience.
  • College classes may conflict with high school classes or some extracurricular activities, such as sports.
  • The College operates on a quarter system. Most high schools operate on a semester system. Holiday and vacation periods may be different. You will be expected to attend classes at the college even though your high school is not in session. It is important to plan carefully to avoid conflicts between college classes, family, and activities.
  • The high school is the final authority on what is required for high school graduation. You must work closely with your high school counselor to ensure that you meet your graduation requirements.
  • You will be responsible for keeping informed about high school deadlines and activities.


Contact the Office of Admissions

(503) 338-2417

Fall 2024
Class Registration

TIP: When using the Online Class Schedule, use the “Select Term” dropdown to view offered classes by term.