All registered Clatsop Community College, Adult Basic Skills/GED, and Simultaneous Enrollment students can receive free tutoring for all academic courses through the Tutoring Center.
Tutoring is a quarter-long, weekly commitment and represents an agreement between students, tutors, and the college to determine appropriate assistance in order to help students reach their academic goals.
Tutoring is available most days and times of the week. Once matched with a tutor together you will determine the best days and times to meet.
*Some programs have a schedule that fluctuates weekly, in which case you will meet for a determined block of time, but on different days at different times.
This is decided together with your tutor. Most tutors are available both in person and online over Zoom. If you have a preference for only meeting in person or online, please make a note of that on your Tutor Request Form and the tutoring center will do it’s best to match you with someone available in that format.
Both group study sessions and one-on-one tutoring is available for students. IF you have preference for group or individualized tutoring please make a note of that on your Tutor Request Form and the tutoring center will do its’ best to match you with someone providing that format.
Clatsop Community College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. ADA accessible. For the complete Non-Discrimination and Accommodations statements, please visit Clatsop Community College es una institución de igualdad de oportunidades y de discriminación positiva. Para las declaraciones completas de No-discriminacion y de Ayuda a las personas discapacitadas, por favor visite
TIP: When using the Online Class Schedule, use the “Select Term” dropdown to view offered classes by term.