Fall 2024 Registration


Fire Science students practice putting a fire out in the burn building

New Instructor and Upgrades for the Fire Science Program at CCC

The Fire Response and Research Center (FRRC) is a resource for professional firefighters, mariners and students at the Marine and Environmental Research and Training Station (MERTS) to practice fighting fire. Computers and sensors operate this highly controlled training building which is designed to be wet, oily, and smoky- all things that aren’t great for computers and sensors which required Clatsop Community College to make some upgrades to the technology to keep training going.

This past fall term, a new computer system and new gas sensors monitoring the air quality in the building were installed into the FRRC. “The old technology was starting to not communicate with the main computer and causing issues in training,” stated Fire Science Instructional Assistant Toni Como, “and the computer that ran these processes was at an age where the company no longer made replacement parts. We were at a point we needed a new system.”

The central computers and sensors control flames throughout the building that respond to the students’ actions and choices so flames may either extinguish when proper practices are used or may flare back up if not completed correctly. The new computer system and sensors make sure the building is running properly and executing training sequences correctly and safely.

Along with new upgrades to the FRRC building, a new Fire Science Instructor is strengthening the Fire Science program at CCC. Jake Campbell joined the MERTS team in January as the new full-time Instructor of Fire Science and Maritime Fire. Campbell commends the FRRC as a training facility. “The facility is modern and unique in the multiple opportunities available for different types of live fire training,” he stated, “It provides the opportunity for hands on training that is in some circumstances unmatched within the state.”

Jake Campbell, Fire Science Instructor
Jake Campbell, Fire Science Instructor

Campbell comes from Central Oregon Community College where he served as an Adjunct Instructor for Fire Science and EMS Program. He also worked for 17 years at Redmond Fire and Rescue as Training Chief where he coordinated all fire and EMS training; managed volunteer and student programs; responded to emergencies; managed the recertification process for Fire and EMS; and managed the respiratory protection and personal protective equipment program. Campbell holds multiple fire certifications and is a certified paramedic with an Associate’s degree in EMS and Structural Fire Science from Central Oregon Community College.

Campbell is excited to be part of the team at MERTS. “The fire science program is truly anchored by the excellent staff working in MERTS and the regional support from our local fire service and maritime partners. It has been impressive to see the cohesion and dedication of staff and partners in seeing the success of our students. We reach a wide audience and their success is the root of our motivation.”

Non-Discrimination Declaration It is the policy of Clatsop Community College that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, gender, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Questions or complaints should be directed to Naomi Garbutt, Affirmative Action/Gender Equity (Title IX) Officer, Towler Hall, Suite 110, ngarbutt@clatsopcc.edu  503-338-2450; TDD 503-338-2468. The Title II/Section 504 Coordinator, Mallory Vollner, is located in Towler Hall, Suite 104A, mvollner@clatsopcc.edu  503-338-2474.

Accommodations Persons having questions about or a request for special needs and accommodation should contact JoAnn Zahn, Vice President of Finance and Operations, at Clatsop Community College, 1651 Lexington Avenue, Astoria, Oregon 97103, Library Suite 110, jzahn@clatsopcc.edu  Phone (503) 338-2421 or TDD (503) 338-2468. Please send special needs and accommodations requests here. Contact should be made at least two business days in advance of the event.

Declaración de no-discriminación Es la política de Clatsop Community College que no habrá ningún tipo de discriminación o acoso por razón de raza, color, sexo, género, estado civil, religión, origen nacional, edad, orientación sexual, identidad de género o expresióno discapacidad en los programas educativos, actividades o en la contratación. Preguntas o quejas deben ser dirigidas al Naomi Garbutt, Oficial de Acción Afirmativa / Título IX localizado en Towler Hall número 110, ngarbutt@clatsopcc.edu(link sends e-mail) número de teléfono 503-338-2450, TDD (discapacidad auditiva) 503-338-2468. El Coordinador de la Titulo II/Sección 504, Mallory Vollner, se encuentra en Towler Hall, numero 104A, mvollner@clatsopcc.edu número de teléfono 503-338-2474. Para ADA y otras peticiones de servicios llame al 503-338-2474 o para TDD (discapacidad auditiva) 503-338-2468.

Ayuda a personas discapacitadas En cuanto a las personas discapacitadas, se les pide que se comuniquen con JoAnn Zahn, la Vice Presidente de Finanzas y Operaciones en Clatsop Community College, 1651 Lexington Avenue, Astoria, Oregon 97103, Library Suite 110, jzahn@clatsopcc.edu número teléfonico (503) 338-2421 o a TDD (503) 338-2468. Haga el favor de notificar a la oficina para que se le pueda proporcionar apoyo. La comunicación debe tomar lugar por lo menos dos días de trabajo antes del evento por el cual se requiera tal ayuda. Para más información, vea la página Web de Clatsop Community College bajo Información en Español.

Non-Discrimination Declaration

It is the policy of Clatsop Community College that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, gender, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Questions or complaints should be directed to Anita Jensen, Affirmative Action/Gender Equity (Title IX) Officer, Lower Library, Suite 102, ajensen@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2450; TDD : Oregon Relay- Dial 711. For Student Access Services, contact Faith Forster, Columbia Hall, Room 111, fforster@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2313


Students having questions about or a request for classroom accommodations should contact Faith Forster, Columbia Hall, Room 111,  fforster@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2313.   Community members having questions about or a request for special needs and accommodation should contact Anita Jensen, Lower Library, Suite 102, ajensen@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2450; TDD: Oregon Relay- Dial 711. Please send special needs and accommodations requests here. Contact should be made at least two business days in advance of the event.  

Declaración de no-discriminación

Es la política de Clatsop Community College que no habrá ningún tipo de discriminación o acoso por razón de raza, color, sexo, género, estado civil, religión, origen nacional, edad, orientación sexual, identidad de género o expresióno discapacidad en los programas educativos, actividades o en la contratación. Preguntas o quejas deben ser dirigidas al Anita Jensen, Oficial de Acción Afirmativa / Título IX localizada en la biblioteca, oficina número 102 , ajensen@clatsopcc.edu número de teléfono (503) 338-2450, TDD (discapacidad auditiva) marcar 711 en su teléfono. Para servicios de acceso para estudiantes, comuníquese con Faith Forster localizada en Columbia Hall, oficina número 111,  fforster@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2313.

Ayuda a personas discapacitadas

Estudiantes que tengan preguntas o una requieran solicitud de adaptaciones en el aula deben comunicarse con Faith Forster, localizada en Columbia Hall , oficina número 111, fforster@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2313. En cuanto a los miembros de la comunidad, se les pide que se comuniquen con Anita Jensen, localizada en la biblioteca, oficina número 102 , ajensen@clatsopcc.edu número de teléfono (503) 338-2450, TDD (discapacidad auditiva) marcar 711 en su teléfono. Haga el favor de notificar a la oficina para que se le pueda proporcionar apoyo. La comunicación debe tomar lugar por lo menos dos días de trabajo antes del evento por el cual se requiera tal ayuda. Para más información, vea la página Web de Clatsop Community College bajo Información en Español. 


Fall 2024
Class Registration

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