Fall 2024 Registration


Photo of wall in art gallery with a row of artwork hanging on it

Art Exhibit Celebrates ClatsopCC and Pacific Northwest College of Art Collaboration

The Royal Nebeker Art Gallery at Clatsop Community College, partnering with Center for Contemporary Art & Culture at Pacific Northwest College of Art, is thrilled to announce a fall exhibition titled Mind and Hand: PNCA Community Showcase. The public is invited to the show’s Reception on Thursday, October 19 starting at 6pm for refreshments and celebration. Mind and Hand will be on display through December 7th in the gallery. Thanks goes to CCC’s community partners: Fort George Brewing, Sleeper Coffee, and Natural Nook for their generous support of the art department.

This exhibition – displaying over 30 pieces from PNCA students, faculty, staff and alumni – is brought to CCC’s campus gallery as a special collaboration to celebrate the PNCA + Clatsop Community College Transfer Agreement where students from Clatsop Community College will now have easier access to a BFA from Pacific Northwest College of Art.

In this agreement, Clatsop students who transfer to PNCA with 60 semester credits/90 quarter credits automatically receive a $5,000 PNCA Transfer Scholarship in addition to a merit based scholarship, which starts at $22,000. Both of these scholarships are renewable annually and this pathway allows these students to earn a BFA degree in just two years.

“PNCA has been welcoming talented Clatsop transfer students for many years, so I’m thrilled to have an official pathway that guarantees that courses will transfer for qualified students and will offer them an opportunity for a BFA at a lower cost,” said PNCA Dean of Admissions Anna Miltenberger. “Empowering students to reimagine what art and design can do in the world is part of our mission. We look forward to continuing a partnership that will inevitably support the thriving art and design community in Portland and beyond.”

Mind and Hand: PNCA Community Showcase stands as an example of the creative inquiries and artistic prowess that all artists connected to PNCA exhibit within the school and beyond. Ranging from painting to design, sculpture to performance and things in-between, this exhibition highlights the validity and importance of creative inquiries and education in the arts. May we all be ever-learning from each other and feel nurtured to pursue a life of creative expression!


Ari Albertson                                       

Hannah Bakken Morris

Hali Autumn                                        

Oliver Myhre

Fio Ballerini                                         

Keanu Narciso

Joshen Bonifacio                                  

Alyson Provax  

Kristin Rogers Brown                

Laney Punarate

CJ Cox                                                  

Crimson Ravarra

Shaun Crabb                                        

Jacob Reppeto

Teresa Christiansen                              

Alicia Vidal

Jakob Dawahare                                   

Anna Volk

Emma Dishner                         

Mallary Wilson

David Eckard                                        

Eva Younkman

Emily Ginsburg

Claire Gunville

Stevie Hale

Rosie Hebert

Jeremy Jones

Amy Jordan

Caroline MacLean

Audrey Meschter

The CCC Royal Nebeker Gallery is dedicated to enriching the cultural life of the campus, the local community, and the North Coast region. Please join CCC in its mission to sustain and promote contemporary art and visual culture through professional exhibitions and programming.

The CCC Royal Nebeker Gallery, located at 1799 Lexington Avenue in Astoria, is ADA accessible. The gallery hours are from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and on weekends and holidays by appointment only. For more information, please contact Kristin Shauck by phone (503-338-2472) or e-mail kshauck@clatsopcc.edu.

About CCAC and PNCA:

The Center for Contemporary Art & Culture is a platform for cultural production including exhibition, lecture, performance, and publication. Housed within Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA), the Center throws open its doors to the greater public to foster conversation and community.

Pacific Northwest College of Art is the leading professional arts and design school in the Northwest; we are the heartbeat of learning and experimentation in Portland’s vibrant cultural ecosystem.  We spark curiosity and sharpen skills so students can build creative careers anchored in innovation, justice and civic imagination.

Non-Discrimination Declaration

It is the policy of Clatsop Community College that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, gender, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Questions or complaints should be directed to Anita Jensen, Affirmative Action/Gender Equity (Title IX) Officer, Lower Library, Suite 102, ajensen@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2450; TDD : Oregon Relay- Dial 711. For Student Access Services, contact Faith Forster, Columbia Hall, Room 111, fforster@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2313


Students having questions about or a request for classroom accommodations should contact Faith Forster, Columbia Hall, Room 111,  fforster@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2313.   Community members having questions about or a request for special needs and accommodation should contact Anita Jensen, Lower Library, Suite 102, ajensen@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2450; TDD: Oregon Relay- Dial 711. Please send special needs and accommodations requests here. Contact should be made at least two business days in advance of the event.  

Declaración de no-discriminación

Es la política de Clatsop Community College que no habrá ningún tipo de discriminación o acoso por razón de raza, color, sexo, género, estado civil, religión, origen nacional, edad, orientación sexual, identidad de género o expresióno discapacidad en los programas educativos, actividades o en la contratación. Preguntas o quejas deben ser dirigidas al Anita Jensen, Oficial de Acción Afirmativa / Título IX localizada en la biblioteca, oficina número 102 , ajensen@clatsopcc.edu número de teléfono (503) 338-2450, TDD (discapacidad auditiva) marcar 711 en su teléfono. Para servicios de acceso para estudiantes, comuníquese con Faith Forster localizada en Columbia Hall, oficina número 111,  fforster@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2313.

Ayuda a personas discapacitadas

Estudiantes que tengan preguntas o una requieran solicitud de adaptaciones en el aula deben comunicarse con Faith Forster, localizada en Columbia Hall , oficina número 111, fforster@clatsopcc.edu (503) 338-2313. En cuanto a los miembros de la comunidad, se les pide que se comuniquen con Anita Jensen, localizada en la biblioteca, oficina número 102 , ajensen@clatsopcc.edu número de teléfono (503) 338-2450, TDD (discapacidad auditiva) marcar 711 en su teléfono. Haga el favor de notificar a la oficina para que se le pueda proporcionar apoyo. La comunicación debe tomar lugar por lo menos dos días de trabajo antes del evento por el cual se requiera tal ayuda. Para más información, vea la página Web de Clatsop Community College bajo Información en Español. 


Fall 2024
Class Registration

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