Fall 2024 Registration


What We Do

List of Scholarships

The gift of scholarship makes a significant impact towards reducing financial barriers for CCC students. The Clatsop Community College Foundation manages over 55 endowed and annual scholarship funds. Scholarships are customized to donor intent and can be general or directed to support students enrolled in specific programs. The categories below list the various scholarship funds.

2023-2024 CCC Foundation Scholarships

-> Nearly $390,000 in endowed and annual scholarship funding is available for CCC students.

-> 214 total scholarships available.

-> $400-$5,000 is the range of individual scholarship amounts. The average amount is $1,750

-> $28,199 is the cost of full time attendance, including tuition, fees, books, room and board, transportation, and other education related expenses.

**Help us reach our goal to provide a scholarship to all qualified CCC students who apply.

New Scholarship Funds: 

    • Anderson Generational Nursing Scholarship (annual)
    • James & Pamela Scholarship (annual, certificate and degree students)
    • Karen Elder Scholarship (annual, certificate and degree students)

Thank you to ALL of our scholarship supporters.

Your gifts help CCC students have access to the tools and resources they need to help them succeed in school and in life!

Cost of Attendance at CCC

For students living with their parents, the total cost of attendance per term is over $5,400.

The total cost to attend three terms is over $16,300 a year.

In addition to covering the cost of tuition, fees, books and supplies, basic needs like housing, food and transportation are financial barriers for CCC students working to complete their education.

Monthly gifts make a BIG impact towards helping CCC students achieve their goals:

  • $10 monthly gift  = tuition for one credit hour ($120 a year)
  • $30 monthly gift = tuition for a three credit class ($360 a year)
  • $50 monthly gift = books and supplies for one student for 1 term ($600 a year)
  • $125 monthly gift = full tuition and fees for one student for one term ($1,500 a year)
  • $150 monthly gift= books and supplies for one student for one year ($1,800 a year)

Fall 2024
Class Registration

For Fall 2024, there is a New MyCCC Experience for registering for Academic Credit Classes. To learn more click here.

TIP: When using the Online Class Schedule, use the “Select Term” dropdown to view offered classes by term.