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Here to help your steps to higher education and support life transitions
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Learn more about the Areas of Study that CCC offers
Let CCC help you in charting your course
Home  / Areas of Study
Explore your educational pathway options and find a path you will enjoy that will lead to the type of work you hope to do.
We offer areas of study containing a variety of programs and transfer interest areas to prepare you for your next step in life. Each career area affords you the opportunity to learn, grow, and move closer to your goal, whether it’s a job or continuing your education at a four-year school. We’ve got options for you and we’re ready to help you succeed!
We can help! Meeting with an Advisor is a great way to help you narrow in on the specific program that’s best for you. You can also do some career exploration to help you find what is of interest to you.
Due to icy road conditions at Lexington campus:
Patriot Hall fitness facilities will close at 5 p.m. today.
GED evening class is cancelled.