Student Access Services (SAS) works with students and the campus community to remove barriers at CCC.
Student Access Services may include:
- Accommodations such as: communication aids, additional time on exams, secluded and reduced distraction testing
- Proctoring of accommodated testing
- Assistive technology loans: amplification devices, recording pens, Ipads, white noise machines, adaptive seating
- Audiobooks
- Student advocacy
- Faculty consultation/liaison services
- Resource referrals
Needs are determined on a case-by-case basis through an interactive process.
The following factors may qualify individuals for SAS services:
- Medical diagnoses: Anxiety, depression, ADHD, Crohn’s, migraines, sleep disorder, diabetes, sensory or physical limitations, etc
- History of an IEP or 504 in school
- Temporary changes in ability to perform daily functions
Contact the SAS office to learn more.
Fill out this form and SAS will contact you: Link to Microsoft Form Application
Schedule an appointment with the Student Access Services Coordinator by clicking this link,
For more information about Student Access at Clatsop Community College, please see the Student Access Services Handbook Microsoft Word Document or the Student Access Services Handbook in PDF Format
Students receiving accommodations or academic adjustments must continue to meet all of the student learning outcomes for coursework, as outlined in course syllabi. Additionally, all degree program standards and outcomes must be met.
Students request accommodations from the SAS office for each course, every quarter.
For additional information about preparing for higher education, students can read the publication “Students With Disabilities Preparing for Post Secondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities” provided by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office or Civil Rights.
Admitted, degree-seeking students with disability documentation on file with the Student Access Services (SAS) office may be eligible for the TRiO Student Support Program. See the Plus Program’s page for more information.
Students with disabilities are also encouraged to utilize additional campus supports such as the Math Assistance Center (MAC) in Towler Hall, Room 211, the Tutoring Center and Writing Lab on the 3rd floor of the Library, and assigned Faculty and Staff Academic Advisor
For Faculty
Please contact the SAS Coordinator, for proctoring information and appointments.
Everyone is Encouraged to Provide Anonymous Feedback
Complete this short survey to inform the college about its access services.