Join Clatsop Community College and Fort George Brewery for this month’s Ales & Ideas Lecture on Thursday, October 5th, 2023 at 7p.m. featuring CCC instructor Julie Brown.
Why do so many cultures bury their dead in ships? What kinds of geographical areas are more likely to do this? What kinds of treasures and personal goods are buried with the dead? Some ships are burned, some are buried, and some are sent out to sea. This presentation includes pictures of various ship and boat burials including those from the Vikings, Anglo Saxons, Chinese, Baltics and (closer to home) the Chinook Indians.
Julie Brown teaches literature, writing, and maritime culture at Clatsop Community College. She has also worked as a deckhand on the Lady Washington. As a Fulbright Scholar, Julie taught courses on Astoria’s maritime culture at the University of Highlands and Islands in Scotland. She is co-founder of the Fisher Poets Gathering and a champion slayer of razor clams.
Doors open at 6 p.m., with food, ales, and other beverages available; no purchase necessary. Minors are welcome at this FREE event.