The Clatsop Community College painting class presents the second annual fundraising show entitled “It’s Raining Cats and Dogs II”  during the month of March at Old Town Framing, 1287 Commercial Street in Astoria, OR.  A reception will be held on the March 14th Second Saturday Artwalk from 5 to 8 p.m. This exhibit features portraits of local shelter dogs and cats,  which the students created in order to help raise awareness about animals in need in our community and to help promote adoption.  100% of the proceeds from the  sale of the paintings will be donated to Clatsop Animal Assistance. Please come and help support our furry friends!  

A number of the participating students made the following statements about their experience working on this project:

“Animals are my favorite people. I felt compassion and empathy for these furry friends who have lost their homes and families. Painting these animals was a wonderful experience, as well as an opportunity to capture their esssence in an art form. “ ~Michelle Coventry

“Those of us who are lucky enough to have a furry little companion know that they make our lives better every day. Painting Daisy was a heart-warming experience, and I think she represents the potential we all have to find love in the connection with animals.”

~Vince Miller

“This is Neko. He looks like a fun loving, attentive, active dog.  When I painted him, I tried to connect  with his personality and charm. His active spirit has helped me to tap into my own creative potential.”  ~Sharyn Hedbloom

“I hope these paintings encourage more adoptions and donations to the Warrenton shelter!  I couldn’t enjoy painting more than when I paint a beautiful shelter animal.  Their spirit shines through to me.”  ~Teri Keippela

“It’s been such a pleasure to paint shelter dogs. I find myself developing a connection with each animal I paint.  With much love,  I hope they all find wonderful homes.” ~Vanessa Neuenfeldt

“Animals have always held a special place in my heart, and I am so happy to get to paint one of the many who have either been adopted or are waiting to be adopted into a loving home. It makes me happy to be part of something that helps the shelter animals .” ~Sofia Morrill 

“This compelling shelter doggie could not be clearer about his/her need for a loving home:  Please, please pick me.  I’ll be your best doggie ever.  I will love you forever.  Please.”  ~Pam Chestnut

Friday, Feb 7th, 2025:
Early closure for Patriot Hall and GED Class Cancelled

Due to icy road conditions at Lexington campus:

Patriot Hall fitness facilities will close at 5 p.m. today.

GED evening class is cancelled.