Electrician Apprenticeship (Partnership)

Bring the power for your bright future!

Take your general education requirements at CCC while you pursue your Electrician Apprenticeship coursework with Tillamook Bay Community College (https://tillamookbaycc.edu/academics/degrees-and-certificates/) and on the job training with a local shop in Clatsop or Tillamook County ( https://www.ibew48.com/). 

For those who want to join the Electrical Union and are not necessarily looking for a degree then I send them to IBEW in Portland. Here is the website.

Apprentices work under the guidance of a journey-level worker on real job sites, gradually earning more responsibilities as they learn. The more they learn, the more they get paid, and once you complete 4 years and become journey-level, wages start at over $60,000 a year.

Career Outlook


Degree & Certificate Options

General Information

First Stop

Thursday, Feb 6th, 2025:
Merts & Seaside campus open at 11 a.m.
Lexington Campus closed

Thursday, Feb. 6th, 2025- Starting at 11 a.m., MERTS and So. County campuses will open for class and services. Lexington Campus only remains closed for the rest of today due to unsafe icy conditions on the hill.